Friday, April 13, 2012

The project, an overview.

ROGUE WATERS - a pictorial/editorial book.

A wonderful, moving journey, documented in pictures and editorial, about the endangered and threatened salmon of the Pacific Northwest; reclaiming their natural environment, creating new habitat, and ensuring that these iconic emblems of the Pacific Northwest are safe from extinction, and that their habitats are encouraging the Salmon's reclamation of their natural territory.
• The basic spawning cycle of salmon in the Columbia, Snake, and Klickitat rivers. 
•  The big three, major salmon of the Pacific Northwest all of which are listed as endangered or threatened by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service:
Chinook Salmon, listed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service as endangered and threatened. Also known as King salmon, the largest of the species, can live up to seven years, spawn most often in large rivers or streams in deep, fast water, they are the least abundant of the North American Pacific Salmon.
Coho Salmon, listed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service as endangered and threatened. Also known as Silver salmon, spend one to two years in freshwater before migrating to sea, require small headwaters streams for pre-migration, were one of the originally most commercially sought after species; now depleted in many areas. 
Sockeye Salmon,  listed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service as endangered and threatened, and also known as Red salmon. The darkest of the species, that spawn not only in rivers but in lakes, the ones who have become landlocked are now known as Kokanee salmon.
• What is the impact of man-made dams on the salmon population in the Pacific Northwest?
• Thousands of miles of rivers and streams in the Pacific Northwest are losing Clean Water Act (CWA) protections in the wake of Supreme Court decisions, how does that impact the salmon?  
• What are the prospects and ecological significance of their recovery across the Pacific Northwest?
• Exploration of  the cultural significance of this aquatic icon across the Pacific Northwest. 
This book will be written as not only a photographic journey of the salmon  across the Pacific Northwest, but of  their impact, including ecological, cultural, and economic across the Pacific Northwest. How their demise can lead to the collapse of the food chain and demise of other species such as Orcas and bears.
The Salmon of the Pacific Northwest have played an enormous role in not only the cultural practices of native peoples, but also in the ecological assurance of food sources for the Killer Whales of the Puget Sound. Additionally, how will the introduction of commercial fishing seasons impact the salmon population? 
Re-establishing the Salmon in the Pacific Northwest is a timely subject, crossing not only ecological issues, but cultural ones as well.
Legislation is also impacting the salmon and the ecosystem in which they live. Without intervention from Congress or the Administration to restore Clean Water Act protections for waters that were protected prior to 2001, these Pacific Northwest will continue to be polluted and destroyed. 
Pulling together all the information to tell this story will involve, extensive literature research, interviews with experts in the field, expeditions across the region to the places where the Salmon have all but disappeared, and to the places where they are coming back into their habitats in larger and stronger numbers. 
Field research will take place all over the Snake, Columbia and Klickitat Rivers as well as the Puget Sound. Along with the production of a photographically rich book, articles, and presentations from this project will be used to promote awareness and conservation of the Pacific Northwest Salmon.
Your support, will help secure equipment needed for field work and photography, defray travel costs, and help underwrite the research (both historical and current research) and the cost of production expenses. The project is expected to take 16 months for me to review, edit, and compile the original manuscript and photos, as well as coordinating educational events, speaking engagements, and other publicity opportunities.
Your support here will ensure that I have the committed funds to successfully carry out the research, photography, and writing for the book and the other elements of this project!
The Salmon are an integral part of the Pacific Northwest. They are one of the most widely recognized icons in the world. Your generous support will further the cultural and ecological education surrounding the endangered and threatened Pacific Northwest Salmon.

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